How can faith help in confronting abandonment issues?
As I continue my journey in therapy, I am becoming increasingly aware of my abandonment issues. These issues often lead me to sabotage friendships and relationships and to question people's intentions. Yesterday was one of those days. I felt as if everyone had let me down, leaving me feeling completely alone.
However, a conversation with a friend provided a new perspective. She reminded me that sometimes, God sends us on a path without giving us clear instructions or a detailed plan. Often, He simply asks us to act, to see if we are willing to listen and take a leap of faith. My constant questioning and seeking reassurance only serve to delay my actions and diminish my faith.
Relying on others instead of leaning on God is a struggle for me, but this struggle intensifies when I am not consistent in praying and reading His word. This experience has taught me the importance of maintaining a strong connection with God, trusting in His guidance, and allowing His presence to anchor me, even when the path ahead is unclear.