Steward the Gift
I'm a huge believer that I am not who I am today without God and, a huge believer that everything I have isn't because of me it is a gift from God.
One day, I was washing dishes after getting off the phone with my son's dad. While still in frustration I heard God say, "Sterward this Gift" and at that moment I thought he was talking about my son, however, he was talking about everything I went through before having my son and now the journey of co-parenting.
I say that because of what I am initially going through in this co-parenting relationship, I once thought I wouldn't have at all. I thought I wouldn't have the 24/7 support that was needed. Then he said, "Focus on the present, stay in the moment."
And from there I learned stewarding these gifts from God is staying in the moment and being attentive, seeing things and people as God/Jesus would, and showing grace.