The Key Essentials for Living a Fulfilling Life: What You Need to Thrive
I remember when I met my child's father. I was just starting to build a better relationship with God. I was studying the book of Proverbs, reading a chapter every day, and seeking wisdom. I had just moved to Columbia, SC, with a new job and was excited about my future.
But then I drifted from Him. I stopped reading, praying, and constantly talking to God. Honestly, that's when everything went downhill. I was leaning on my own understanding instead of His. It wasn't until December 2022 that I got back into my Bible. It wasn't until January 2023 that I started praying again after finding out I was pregnant. It wasn't until March 2023, when I wanted an abortion, that He stepped in and saved me from relying on my own understanding. It wasn't until July 2023, when I started fasting, that I believed in His promises. It wasn't until October 2023, after giving birth to a 7 lb 14 oz baby boy and having a 4 lb fibroid, that I saw His grace.
And it wasn't until March 2024, after being in Bible study, that I got the call from my realtor about the closing date for my first home at the age of 26. That was when I found my purpose: living for Him, being a mom, and helping others.
Now, I read my Bible faithfully, fill my spirit with positivity and His promises, and fast daily because I was taught that the more you pour into Him, the more He will pour into you. Lastly, I take pride in writing scriptures on sticky notes posted on every wall of my house.
I've learned that the Bible is the book I need to live a good life filled with purpose, pain, and promise. I can't live without it.